The Homeless Services program supports the enrollment, attendance, and achievement of homeless students to ensure they receive equal access to educational opportunities. Specific services include assistance in the following areas: school enrollment and attendance support services, records retrieval, school, and hygiene supplies, health/immunization referrals, shelter/housing and community referrals, and education support services under McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act: Education for Homeless Children and Youths.

Definition of Homeless Students: Students who have lost their permanent housing are defined as homeless when they lack a fixed, permanent, and adequate nighttime residence. This may include shelters, transitional housing programs, temporary housing, motel/hotels, cars and travel trailers, the street or other public places, or living in places not suitable for or normally used as a nighttime residence, etc.

Enrollment of Homeless Students: Students identified as homeless have the right to be immediately enrolled in school and will be given a grace period to obtain the documentation normally required for enrollment. Students have the right to attend one of two schools if it is in their best interest:

1) Remain at their most current school

2) Enroll in the school for their address. They may remain at their school for the duration of homelessness, or if permanent housing is found, for the rest of the current school year.

Please contact our office for information on additional student rights and services.

District's Liaison: Eric Griffin, Director of Student Services, 209-656-2000


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